Thursday, March 01, 2007

An Amazing Waste of Time, Resources, Patience, Common Sense, and Political Goodwill

I have a funny feeling that the Kangaroo Court will continue to drag its feet into the 2006 gubernatorial election cycle. The Democratic- controlled committee will then wait and see what happens in November. I have a sneaking suspicion that these Democrats are going to drop all the talk about legislative protections if the people of Maryland are unfortunate enough to be saddled with a new Democratic administration.
- Me, December 20, 2005
So naturally, I am stunned that the Kangaroo Court closes down shop passing two relatively minor personnel bills. And provides this amazing hypocritical quote:

"An administration should have a legal ability to hire and fire for political reasons,"
- Sen. Thomas Middleton,
Which begs the rhetorical question as to why this inquisition happened in the first place, and EVERYBODY knows the answer to that...

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