Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Commander Carter and his Lost Planet Statesmen

America's most embarrassing ex-President doesn't seem to know when to shut up:

Former President Jimmy Carter is accusing the US, Israel and the European Union of seeking to divide the Palestinian people.

Carter says that's being accomplished by reopening aid to President Mahmoud Abbas' new government in the West Bank while denying the same to the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip. He made the comment at a human rights conference in Ireland.

Carter, a Nobel Prize winner, says the Bush administration's refusal to accept Hamas' 2006 election victory was "criminal." Carter says that far from encouraging Hamas' move into parliamentary politics, Israel and much of the West sought to subvert the election by shunning Hamas.

I don't understand realistically how any rational human being can take the side of the terrorists, particularly in defense of a Democratic nation whose has been threatened with extermination on and off for the last sixty years. Then again, blaming the U.S. for two terrorist groups shooting at each other takes its own special type of insanity, too.

Then again, the Democrats seem to have cornered the market on this stuff. Nancy Pelosi's trip to Syria being one example.

Why, oh why, are there no strong Democrats who will actually stand up to the bad guys?


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