Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Maryland Dems soiling themselves with prospect of Ehrlich Running

In a nice moment of synergy, Center Maryland's centrist facade meets scare(d) tactics with this morning's advice that Bob Ehrlich should wait to run for Governor until 2014.

I'm not going to bother quoting the article, but I think the message is pretty clear: DEMOCRATS ARE TERRIFIED O'MALLEY IS GOING TO LOSE.

They may want to grab some clean underwear, too.....

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Blogger Jerry Shandrowsky said...


Come on! Who are you kidding? Ehrlich, a known commodity, trails a highly unpopular incumbent by 9 points. In other states, no names and undeclared nobody's have double digit leads on incumbents. And amazingly, it's transcending the usual red-blue divide.

The problem is Ehrlich has spent the last 3.5 years trashing Democrats. In the same way, his wife and him have gloated how moderate Democrats in conservative districts should be the primary targets. Ironically, he'll need these same voters who re-elect these conservative Democrats to have any prayer of winning in Maryland.

Once upon a time, Ehrlich appealed to the middle. Since his defeat, he's aligned with the far right. Through his radio show, he's alienated the centrists that were crucial to his 2002 win. Truth be told, he would have been better off laying low for the past few years. Instead, voters may look at him as "one of them". In other words, in an anti-incumbent year, he's not really viewed as an outsider. Therefore, he's not the best candidate.

Look, I voted for Ehrlich twice. Admittedly, I won't vote for him again. Make no mistake, I want O'Malley defeated, but I can no longer align myself with Bob Ehrlich.

2:41 PM  

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