Sunday, February 05, 2006

Game Not so Super for Seahawks

The combination of some really weird playcalling and some poor officiating doomed the Seahawks tonight.

The Seahawks drive at the end of both the first and second halves were surreal. Matt Hasselback wasted thirty seconds while running through multiple audibles at the line of scrimmage, and even then they were only bailed out by the Steelers taking a timeout on defense.
Then, once the Seahawks began the hurry-up offense, they chose not to go for a field goal, ran multiple plays across the middle, and failed in their last chance to score and go for the onsides kick.

Two officials calls, in particular, were highly questionable. I am still not certain that the ball crossed the goal-line on Ben Roethlisberger's touchdown run. And the ten-yard penalty on Matt Hasselback for a "chop block" while tackling the defender with the ball was surreal.

But take nothing away from the Steelers. It was not pretty, but they earned their title.


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