Monday, November 13, 2006

A Bad Move

Florida Sen. Mel Martinez will be named general chairman of the Republican National Committee, and I can't say that I am not disappointed with the choice.

I am not certain what message we are sending by appointing a U.S. Senator to chair the committee. While the appointment of Martinez will ostensibly help with wooing Hispanic voters, Hispanic outreach has occurred consistently over the last few years. Additionally, what experience does Martinez have with party building and grassroots organization? And how will he be able to balance his duties as general chairman of a national party with his responsibility as Florida's junior Senator?

It is safe to assume that I would much rather have seen Michael Steele assume the post. The Lt. Governor has the experience as a party builder at the local and state levels, and would be well suited to bring this experience to the national level. And it certainly would not have hurt to bring Steele's higher profile and positive reaction to his Senate campaign to a national stage.

This is just a disappointing choice, and needless to say it isn't exactly getting people excited (at least for the right reasons) at places like RedState; read the comments, you'll get a chuckle.

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Blogger Lloyd said...

first, clearly Rove believes that he will be able to control Martinez a little bit more than Steele. Steele proved over the weekend that he is a little bit more free thinking than what the president would like heading the rnc. think gilmore.

second, florida matters a little more on the electoral college map for the gop than md.

third, we lost support among hispanics in 2006. Expect amnesty and guest worker programs to pass over the last two years of the bush administration as both dems and the pres. support the idea and some outspoken anti-illegal immigration advocates underperformed on election day.

fourth, african american voters once again proved that their vote is not up for grabs

finally, martinez is not a political neophyte, he is after all a u.s. senator, co-chaired bush's campaign in fl in 2000, and is a leading gop fundraiser in the country.

3:46 PM  

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