Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Here's an odd statement from a Sun editorial this morning:
The irony of choosing an absentee ballot over showing up in person at the polling place was revealed in the two most notable contests - governor and U.S. Senate - where the ballots weren't even tabulated before the winners were declared. Facing mathematical certainties that they could not win even after the paper ballot count, Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. and Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele, who chose not to use voting machines, conceded their races and essentially disenfranchised themselves.
I cannot figure out what the heck they mean. How is voting absentee disenfranchising themselves? Their absentee votes count just the same as a ballot counted on a touchscreen machine. Absentee ballots are just counted after the polling places have closed; that's the only difference. The editorial board perpetuating the myth that absentee ballots are only counted in close races certainly does not help anything...

Once again, a Sun editorial shows a basic lack of understanding of the concepts and principles of the subject matter they are discussing...

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