Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Mixed Messages

Apparently, state Democrats are not on the same page as far as tax hikes go:
"We know what needs to be done. The question is whether there is the political will...We really haven't done anything since the 1960s when we put in a progressive income tax. If this governor has a vision, and I think he does, it's going to mean looking at the entire revenue structure."
- Mike Miller, Baltimore Sun, 12/19/2006

"No one wants to send the message back home that the new governor wants to raise taxes. No one wants to look at [raising taxes] first...We've got to figure out where we are going in the next three or four years."
- Ed Kasemayer, Washington Times, 12/19/2006
Maybe I'm crazy, but I always get nervous when legislative leadership talks about the need for "tax reform" , because in their mind reform only means higher and higher taxes. We know where this is going. The question is whether or not there are enough common-sense legislators on the Democratic side of the house to avoid this.

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