Monday, January 22, 2007

Say What?

Apparently, in the mind of some local Democrats, debating a point is bullying. This goes back to this fiasco from a few days back.

It's a sad state of affairs when trying to debate a point with reason (and not even being mean about it) is referred to is bullying. It is a failure of those doing the name calling to back up their points with sound logic. It's sad really.

Ironically, they suggest that:

The advice with bullies is always the same...Stand up to them, which we do and ignore them which a ban defacto does.
Which actually means that they choose to stick their heads in the sand and avoid ideas they find disagreeable. Sad, truly sad. And apparently it's not just me who has had this kind of problem.

Mr. Moody, incidentally, is a member of the Anne Arundel County Democratic Central Committee. Take that for what it's worth...

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