Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Following the Data

There has to be a lack of consensus on global warming when politically connected French socialists come out as skeptics(H/T RedState):
Claude Allegre, one of France's leading socialists and among her most celebrated scientists, was among the first to sound the alarm about the dangers of global warming....

...With a wealth of data now in, Dr. Allegre has recanted his views. To his surprise, the many climate models and studies failed dismally in establishing a man-made cause of catastrophic global warming. Meanwhile, increasing evidence indicates that most of the warming comes of natural phenomena. Dr. Allegre now sees global warming as over-hyped and an environmental concern of second rank.

His break with what he now sees as environmental cant on climate change came in September, in an article entitled "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" in l' Express, the French weekly. His article cited evidence that Antarctica is gaining ice and that Kilimanjaro's retreating snow caps, among other global-warming concerns, come from natural causes. "The cause of this climate change is unknown," he states matter of factly. There is no basis for saying, as most do, that the "science is settled."

Dr. Allegre's skepticism is noteworthy in several respects. For one, he is an exalted member of France's political establishment, a friend of former Socialist president Lionel Jospin, and, from 1997 to 2000, his minister of education, research and technology, charged with improving the quality of government research through closer co-operation with France's educational institutions. For another, Dr. Allegre has the highest environmental credentials. The author of early environmental books, he fought successful battles to protect the ozone layer from CFCs and public health from lead pollution. His break with scientific dogma over global warming came at a personal cost: Colleagues in both the governmental and environmental spheres were aghast that he could publicly question the science behind climate change.

Read the whole thing, and the others in the National Post series. But I can assure you that with more and more evidence that there is no consensus on global warming, the more and more one has to come the conclusion that only the true believers, the megalomaniacal, and the ostrich-like can claim that there is any sort of "consensus." It also shows that there are, in fact, people in the global warming debate who do follow the data, not political talking points, when speaking on the issue.

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Blogger David K. Kyle said...

I don't know how anyone that objectively looks at the data can come to the conclusion that man is the cause or even a big factor in the planets climate. The problem with the Al Gore's of the scientific world is that they start out with what they want their final outcome to be and work the data in that direction. Then all they have to do is start spoon feeding it to the people that do not have independent thought and before you know it, you have a four hundred pound trained gorilla that doesn't care what the data actually shows just that he is feed his steady diet of half truth banana pudding.

10:22 PM  

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