Thursday, December 21, 2006

Here We Go Again

Don Rodricks has once again decided to trot out his involuntary servitude program that he wants to inflict upon 18-21 year olds, like he did in May. Here is a gem from his column today:
For a few years in their lives, young men and women serve a greater good and take a lesson from this experience into the rest of their lives.
Yeah, the lesson would be that big government thinks they owe something to big government, so wants to force them to serve big government in some capacity.

Of course, Rodricks' column still does not address the fact that Mandatory Volunteerism has not worked in Maryland over the last decade, that the Army still does not want draftees, and he of course still glosses over the 13th Amendment issue.

If Rodricks is so gung ho about national service, he can feel free to sign up at any time. Until then, maybe he should step back and stop promoting totalitarian ideas that he himself would ridicule if put forth by a Republican...



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