Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Try Doing Something Useful

While the United Nations kvetches about the U.S. and how evil we are all, can we all stop for a second an examine the fact that people in Zimbabwe have been reduced to eating rats?

I have been saying for years that the U.S. and other nations need to take action in Zimbabwe due to the actions of Dictator Robert Mugabe. Problems have existed for years, particularly getting desperate after Mugabe's "land reform" which stole private property from landowners and handed it over to the poor, driving the landowners out of the country. That didn't worked, so Mugabe redistributed the land to political favorites and has allowed his people to starve to death.

It hasn't helped that pressure groups have convinced Zimbabwean authorities to reject genetically modified grains, either.

If the UN really wants to do something useful, how about getting some humanitarian relief to these people and putting pressure on Zimbabwe to reform itself now? I understand that it means the UN would have to take time away from bashing the US, blaming Israel, and keeping questionable taxpayer funded perks, but this would actually save some lives and do some good.



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